welded gabion
Welded Gabions are made from rigid, lightweight, galvanized steel mesh .Welded gabions are faster to erect and do not need tensioning. This allows them to keep their shape, to be free from bulges and depressions and fit easily against the wall.
Welded gabions units filled on site with hard, durable stone to form mass gravity retaining structures. Due to their inflexibility, welded gabions are generally not considered suitable in areas susceptible to differential settlement, or in water courses.
Welded gabions are available in a variety of wire diameters and unit sizes to meet project requirements.
In common with all gabions during installation, all welded units need internal bracing wires and to be overfilled to allow for settlement of the granular rock fill.
Welded gabions offer much strength compared with woven wire gabions while they have similar flexibility.